Indian Henry's Pond Panorama
"Indian Henry's Pond Panorama"
$250.00 $100.00 $335.00 $360.00
Photo Size: 12x30 Matted Size: 18x36 Framed Size: 18x36 Framed Size: 18x36

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Indian Henry's Hunting Ground,
Mt Rainier National Park, Washington
Late afternoon view of Mirror Lake in the verdant meadow called "Indian Henry's Hunting Ground".After an arduous hike up over Rampart Ridge from Longmire, I arrived at a wonderful meadow called "Indian Henry's Hunting Ground". The snow had only recently melted, and the wildflowers were hip deep along the trail as I wandered through the meadow. I was really happy to find this little pond nestled among the lushness and took the opportunity to take a photo to share with all of you. This photo is also available as a triptych.
Panorama Photograph